Friday, August 6, 2010

Crackers for Breakfast

Landry woke up a few minutes before 7am very hungry. She came into my bedroom and I was still asleep. She tapped me and wanted breakfast. I said, "Landry just get into bed with mommy and watch a show." She wasn't going to be ignored, she was STARVING! Most of the time I get out of bed before the kids do or right when they wake up. This morning I was exhausted and we didn't have anywhere to go so there was really no reason for me to get up right then. She asked if she could go downstairs and get a "sideabaa". Now if you know Landry well enough you know she loves cereal bars and they are the main reason she is still alive. If it weren't for low fat cereal bars she would be malnourished. I told her yes, go downstairs and get a cereal bar. She went downstairs and was only gone for a minute or so and brought me 2 to open for her which I did. She sat in my room beside my bed and watched a show and the boys came in too. At 7:30 I sat up and saw this...
What in the world...
How long did she think we would be up there? Did she think I was never going to get up all day long? She's a carbohydrate addict already!