Landry- mommy, you can choose what flavor slushy I get, I'll get whatever you want.
me- No Landry, I want you to choose for yourself.
L- No mommy, you make my choice. Whatever you want me to have.
me- okay, how about a lemonade slushy like Layton gets. I think you will like it a lot.
L- No, I don't want a lemonade slushy, you choose what I want to have.
me- well then if you don't want a lemonade slushy I choose you to have a strawberry one.
L- No, you choose me to have either a purple or a red one or a green one.
me- okay, I choose you to have a red cherry slushy.
L- No, you want me to have a green one, okay mommy?
me- Sure landry, I will choose you to have a green one.
L- No, you really choose a purple one, okay mommy?
me-Yes landry, I will choose you to have a purple one.
me-Layt, what do you want?
Layton- lemonade one!
That's pretty much our life. He is a man of not so many words and she makes up for it with TOO MANY words. If you know my little Landry, you know this is pretty much her personality most of the time. She tries to make you feel good by pretending to let you be in charge of something/anything but really, she is the one who wants to hold all the control. What a girl!
I realize this isn't a very good picture and she has cookie in her mouth but I HAD to put a picture on here too because my sister HATES blog posts without pictures and I don't want her to be mad at me. Should have taken a pic with her purple sonic drink but didn't .