What an excellent surprise to go to the mailbox and have a package all the way from Europe! It was from our friends, The Parkers, who moved to Germany almost a year ago. How excited we all were!

This was a box of 3 chocolate eggs. Inside of the eggs were plastic eggs with little toys in them. Logan got a truck in his, Layton had a viking man in his and Landry's was a hot pink spin top. Very cool!

These were AMAZING and if you know me I do not use that term lightly. They were like thin waffle cone disks with caramel in between them. We loved them! How cool is it that all the packaging is in German?

My sweet friend also sent me a great watch. She makes the greatest jewelry and she made this watch for me and it said, Happy Mother's Day on it.

My sweet Marnie, we miss you so much. We miss playing with the kiddos. We miss your awesome hair bows and jewelry and we also miss Kevin's great talent of photography. Thank you so much for the super surprise from Germany.