On the other hand, Layton does enjoy this and wanted to ride Logan's bike so Adam lowered the seat and helped Layton ride it. He loved it and laughed and smiled the whole time. This little barely 4 year old will be riding by himself in no time. He also loves getting all the gear on.
While the boys were riding Landry stood in the garage and cried LOUDLY because she wanted a hot pink hat (helmet) We tried to let her use old ones of the boys but she threw it down and said, "Not boy ones!" She is such a girly girl and I LOVE IT! A pink popsicle helped the sadness though. I tried to get a picture of this but she was NOT in the mood to pose.
We need to get the pink and purple bike to you! I know Landry will love it. Logan will learn, maybe it will just take seeing his younger brother riding and loving it?!
ReplyDeleteLove this post! I laughed out loud about your description of "making children" do this or that and if they didn't, they just needed a "good spanking". Before having kids, I remembered thinking that my children would be the best behaved, never fight, and never pitch fits. Yep, be careful what you ask for.....I have been humbled.