Mammie's birthday was yesterday. Layton was born on her birthday 4 years ago. On that day she said she didn't need another birthday after that day. She just said she would give that day to him. I guess in a way she did since children tend to get the majority and attention of everything but we sure haven't forgotten her. She is such a wonderful grandmother and mother to all of us. She loves being with all of us, especially Log, Layt and Land. Each year (like my Nana always did with us) she colors eggs with the kiddos the day before Easter. Here is their session of egg coloring this past year.

Can you tell that they love the hot pink color that this egg changed to?

Mammie bought Sesame Street coloring kit for Sissy.

The boys got a Star Wars coloring kit.

Layt was so impressed with Mam because she made a striped egg for him.
Happy Birthday and we love you so much Mammie!
Oh thank you so much (said in Landry's voice). I love you all too. Thanks for blogging about how much I love my precious kiddos.