Adam's 35
th birthday happened while I was on a blogging break (April 19
th) so this post is a little late but certainly not forgotten. He has been receiving gifts in the mail ever since then so I guess he is having a birthday month. On his birthday we went out to dinner to
Glorias. It was the 5 of us,
Mammie, Dee, E, Sis, Lesli and Christina. The children were the center of attention as usual.

They brought him a happy birthday flan.

When we got home he opened gifts and had his birthday treat. He chose chocolate chip cookies with icing. I know what you are thinking, no cake from me, but my family is pretty sick of cake since it is around all the time. Yes, Logan came right in and changed into a basketball uniform. The boys do this most of the time.

After we sang Happy Birthday to Adam Landry wanted us to sing to her too and then she wanted to blow out a candle by herself. Of course we let her.