Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Logan is playing basketball now. He is on a team with several friends and the coaches are the Rockwall High School Basketball coaches. Their team name is the Jackets and they have "real" uniforms. Logan chose to wear the #20 jersey because he wanted a big number. Adam has of course been at each practice but for his first time as a parent he is getting to just watch and not coach. He is really liking being able to just watch Logan and not worry about everyone. Their first game was last week and they won 20-0. Way to go Jackets!
No, Logan isn't flipping you off. He is showing off his first jammed finger. It was swolen and bruised for a few days He has been very proud of it. It must be a boy thing!


  1. He was so proud of that jammed finger. Made me must be a boy thing. Love watching him play.
