Those of you who know Landry know she has a baby named Plampia. It's always a funny conversation when she tells someone her baby's name. I always get the same question, "Where did the name Plampia come from?" Here's the answer: Her brain! She talked about Plampia for a while before we even got her. Mammie took her to the American Girl Store and she finally found her Plampia. She was so excited to finally find her because we had been looking for the baby for a little while. We didn't find her in a catalog or at Target, she was an American Girl Bitty Baby!
Plampia goes virtually everywhere with us and does everything a real baby does, even eats donuts.
Of course they sleep together. A few times she has even woken Landry up in the night crying and then they both come wake me up so I can get her back to sleep. (This is real stuff people!)

She rides in the car. I am REAL surprised she hasn't asked for a baby car seat for her so far.

She does baby ballet dancing and baby school.

She snuggles

They wear matching clothes.