Today is Layton's and Mammie's birthday. Layton is 5 years old today and Mammie is ** years old today. I love them both so much. Happy Birthday sweeties! Here are a few pics of my precious little boy over the past few years.
On the way home from Layton's preschool in Heath we saw a few little patches of blue bonnets. Logan has been learning about Texas so he told us all about how if we pick them we will go to jail. We decided to stop and take a few pics.
Our Easter Bunny hides our eggs along with clues to find prizes. This year a clue was in each egg. Each clue sent the child to a place in the house to find a gift. Here are a few clues and prizes.
Good grief my children LOVE pj's. Here are all the prizes they found. I just love to see my precious children all dressed up to go to church.
Today is my sweet honey's 36th birthday. I hope you have a terrific day babe.
Landry: "My favorite thing about daddy is when he helps me clean up my room and when I help him clean up the table." Logan: "I like it when he helps me with my schoolwork." Layton: "I like daddy when he wrestles with me and when he tickles me."
One of my very favorite things to see is my children all dressed up and excited for church. What a precious sight to see them dressed up to go to our wonderful church to worship God. They are so proud to be carrying their little Bibles and to be walking up to see their teachers and friends. What an adorable sight to see my children happy in our Lord.
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth"
Layton's preschool class had an Easter egg hunt and egg roll. As we arrived they were posing in their Easter bonnets and ties.
Each student had to decorate his own wooden spoon. Layton colored his and we tied ribbons and bells on the end. He also decorated his own bag in class. They all sat so patiently and waited for their turn.
Layton rolling this hard-boiled egg across the finish line.
What a sweet class listening to the Easter story as the parents "hid" the eggs all over the grass.
It's egg hunting time! Layton drew #9. He was assigned to find all eggs with the #9 on them. Each child found their own number only. Layton's best buds in school, Henry and Zack.